

In the nets of heaven: the Campesino on the Spanish frontier
Bird herders, stirrup boys, and naked winemakers: assembling a labor force
Always trembling with fear: controlling mission farm workers
No longer keep us by force: accommodation and resistance among mission field hands
Not free to be idle: life and labor on the Mexican ranchos and American farms
To the highest bidder: native field hands and gold rush agriculture
They have filled our jails and graveyards: the decline of Indian labor
Between the teeth of the cylinder: the emergence of migratory labor and farm technology
Open-air factories: industrialization of labor on the bonanza wheat farms
Hell's fury and liquid fire: the coarse culture of wheat harvesters and threshers
Trustworthy laborers: Chinese infiltration into irrigated agriculture
Bought like any other commodity: China bosses and gang labor
The Chinese must go!: community, Chinatowns, and the anti-Chinese movement
More manpower from a pint of rice: sugar beets, the short-handled hoes, and Chinese exclusion
Snapping their fingers in our faces: human pesticides, labor shortages, child labor, and the response to exclusion
Worn out, bent, and discouraged: Chinese labor (almost) disappears from the fields
Running from vine to vine: Japanese farm workers and beginning of labor militancy
Blood spots on the moon: the 1903 Oxnard sugar beet workers strike
Exact everything possible: Keiyaku-nin, Mexicans, Sikhs, and the quest for labor stability
Handle the fruit like eggs! The Japanese shift from field-workers to farmers
Blinky Joe, Red Mike, and Hobo Sam: bindlemen on the move
As rotten as ever: jungle camps, slave markets, and the main stem
The privilege of quitting: death, discontent, and alienation
I've been robbed: the struggle to organize farm workers.

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