

pt. 1. Torture at Abu-Ghraib. A Guantánamo problem
Photographs from a prison
Crossing the line
The gray zone
pt. 2. Intelligence failure. How America's spies missed September 11th
Why the government didn't know what it knew
The twentieth man
pt. 3. The other war. Afghanistan's secret battles
The getaway
A power base of warlords
pt. 4. The Iraq hawks. The early fight to take on Saddam
Getting closer
Richard Perle goes to lunch
pt. 5. Who lied to whom? March 2003, "These documents ... are in fact not authentic"
Into the intelligence stovepipe
Behind the "mushroom cloud"
pt. 6. The secretary and the generals. The battle for Baghdad
Targeting the insurgency
pt. 7. A most dangerous friend. Gambling on Musharraf
The ultimate black market
Washington's deal
pt. 8. The Middle East after 9/11. Saudi Arabia: corruption and compromise
Syria: a lost opportunity
Iran: the next nuclear power?
Israel, Turkey, and the Kurds.

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