

Introduction to moral reasoning / Tom Regan
Utilitarianism / John Stuart Mill
Metaphysics of morals / Immanuel Kant
Feminist transformations of moral theory / Virginia Held
Intellectual property is still property / Frank H. Easterbrook
Are patents and copyrights morally justified? / Tom G. Palmer
Biopiracy or bioprivateering? / Richard Stallman
Intangible property : privacy, power, and information control / Adam D. Moore / Why collaborative free works should be protected by the law / Lawrence Sanger
Right to privacy / Samuel D. Warren and Louis D. Brandeis
Social life of genes : privacy, property, and the new genetics / Margaret Everett
Employee monitoring : evaluative surveillance v. privacy / Adam D. Moore
Personal autonomy and Caller ID / James Stacey Taylor
Rationales for freedom of speech / Kent Greenawalt
Digital speech and democratic culture : a theory of freedom of expression for the information society / Jack M. Balkin
Privacy, photography, and the press / T. Allen ... [et al.]
Carnivore, the FBI's e-mail surveillance system : devouring criminals, not privacy / Griffin S. Dunham
Privacy isn't everything : accountability as a personal and social good / Anita Allen
National security at what price? : a look into civil liberty concerns in the information age under the USA PATRIOT Act / Jacob R. Lilly.

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