

The great path of absolute other power and my faith / Kiyozawa Manshi
The significance of Dharmakara Bodhisattva as earthly savior / Soga Ryojin
The meaning of salvation in the doctrine of Pure Land Buddhism / Kaneko Daiei
Shin Buddhism / Daisets T. Suzuki
Centering and the world beyond / Takeuchi Yoshinori
The practice of Jodo-Shinshu / Taisetsu Unno
Shinjin is the eternal now / Omine Akira
Shinran's vision of absolute compassion / Alfred Bloom
Religious transformation and language in Shinran / Dennis Hirota
Freedom and necessity in Shinran's concept of karma / Ueda Yoshifumi
Joy of Shinran : rethinking the traditional Shinshu views on the 123 concept of the stage of truly settled / Murakami Sokusui
Shinran and authority in Buddhism / Galen Amstutz
Shinran and modern individualism / Gerhard Schepers
Shinran and human dignity : opening an historic horizon / Futaba Kenko
Towards a Shin Buddhist social ethics / Ama Toshimaro
My socialism / Takagi Kenmyo
Ethics in American Jodo Shinshu : trans-ethical responsibility / Kenneth K. Tanaka
Shinran's indebtedness to T'an-luan / Bando Shojun
Pure Land Buddhist hermeneutics : Honen's interpretation of 231 nembutsu / Allan A. Andrews
David, Shankara, Honen / Frithjof Schuon
Mutual transformation of Pure Land Buddhism and Christianity / Takeda Ryusei.

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