

American high, 1945-1963: Was the United States responsible for the cold war?; Did Communism threaten America's internal security after World War II?; Should President Truman have fired General MacArthur?; Were the 1950s America's "Happy Days"?; Did Lee Harvey Oswald kill President Kennedy by himself?
From liberation through Watergate, 1960-1974: Was Martin Luther King, Jr.'s leadership essential to the success of the Civil Rights Revolution?; Did the Great Society fail?; Was the Americanization of the war in Vietnam inevitable?; Has the Women's Liberation Movement been harmful to American women?; Will history forgive Richard Nixon?
Postindustrial America and the end of the Cold War, 1974-2001: Did President Reagan win the cold war?; Did President George Bush achieve his objectives in the Gulf War?; Should America remain a nation of immigrants?; Will history consider William Jefferson Clinton a reasonably good chief executive?; Did the Supreme Court hijack the 2000 presidential election from Al Gore?; Environmentalism, is the earth out of balance?

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