Table of Contents
1. Introduction to the Internet and the World Wide Web
About this book
The World Wide Web as an information resource
Hypertext and hypermedia
Activity 1.1 : using a search engine
Key terms and concepts
Information sources available on the web
Browser essentials
Selected terms introduced in this chapter
Review questions
Exercises and projects
2. Managing and using information from the Internet and the World Wide Web
Common types of files on the Internet and the web
Considering copyright guidelines before sharing and copying information
Capturing and using text, images, and data from the web and the Internet
Activity 2.1 : capturing and downloading images into a word-processing document
End of activity 2.1
Using favorites to keep track of resources
Procedures and steps for managing Internet and web information
Selected terms used in this chapter
Review questions
Exercises and projects
3. Using the web for research
The first step : evaluating your information needs
Choosing the best search tool to start with
Browsing the World Wide Web : using directories
Activity 3.1 : using a directory to browse for information
Finding information gems in virtual libraries
Activity 3.2 : finding resources in a virtual library
Searching the World Wide Web : using search engines
Activity 3.3 : using Boolean search operators
Activity 3.4 : using phrase searching to find information
Using several search engines simultaneously : meta-search tools
Activity 3.5 : using a meta-search tool to find information
Content issues : pornography, free speech, censorship, and filtering
Selected terms introduced in this chapter
Review questions
Exercises and projects
4. A researcher's toolkit : directories and virtual libraries
Characteristics of directories
Browsing and searching directories
Activity 4.1 : a major directory and how to use it
Virtual libraries : directories with a difference
Activity 4.2 : using a virtual library
A researcher's toolkit
Selected terms introduced in this chapter
Review questions
Exercises and projects
5. Search strategies for search engines
Search engine databases
Search features common to most search engines
Output features common to most search engines
A basic search strategy : the 10 steps
Activity 5.1 : search strategies in AltaVista
Activity 5.2 : search strategies in Google
Activity 5.3 : search strategies in Vivisimo
Review questions
Exercises and projects
6. Specialized databases
Overview of specialized databases
Information in specialized databases is often not accessible via search engines
How to find specialized databases
Using specialized databases
Activity 6.1 : searching MEDLINE
Activity 6.2 : finding company information
Activity 6.3 : searching for United States Supreme Court Opinions
Activity 6.4 : Finding an individual's email address, mailing address, and phone number
Activity 6.5 : searching for a business address, a phone number, a map, and driving directions
Selected terms introduced in this chapter
Review questions
Exercises and projects
7. Searching for news and multimedia
Searching for news
Weblogs and E-Zines
News tracking and alerts
RSS and news aggregation
Activity 7.1 : setting up a personal newsreader, or aggregator
Searching for multimedia
Selected terms used in this chapter
Review questions
Exercises and projects
8. Searching library catalogs
Overview of the development of online catalogs
Characteristics of online library catalogs
Ways to find library catalogs
Activity 8.1 : Using Libweb to find a national catalog
Activity 8.2 : using LIBCAT to find special collections
Selected terms introduced in this chapter
Review questions
Exercises and projects
9. Searching email discussion groups & Usenet news
Email discussion groups
Activity 9.1 : finding a discussion group
Usenet newsgroups
Activity 9.2 : searching Usenet news using Google groups
Etiquette in a discussion group or a Usenet newsgroup
Selected terms introduced in this chapter
Review questions
Exercises and projects
10. Searching archives, downloading files & FTP
Understanding the URL format for FTP
Downloading a file by anonymous FTP
Locating FTP archives and other sites for finding software
Downloading and working with files from software archives
Activity 10.1 : downloading and installing software from a software archive
Using an FTP client program
Review questions
Exercises and projects
11. Evaluating information found on the World Wide Web
Reasons to evaluate
Guidelines for evaluation
Activity 11.1 : using a URL and search engines to investigate a resource
Activity 11.2 : applying guidelines to evaluate a resource
Information about evaluating resources on the World Wide Web
Review questions
Exercises and projects
12. Citing web and Internet sources
Guidelines for citing Internet and web resources
Citation examples
Information on the web about citing electronic resources
Review questions
Exercises and projects
Appendix A. Ways to stay current
Appendix B. Privacy and security on the Internet and the web
Appendix C. Internet Explorer details
About this book
The World Wide Web as an information resource
Hypertext and hypermedia
Activity 1.1 : using a search engine
Key terms and concepts
Information sources available on the web
Browser essentials
Selected terms introduced in this chapter
Review questions
Exercises and projects
2. Managing and using information from the Internet and the World Wide Web
Common types of files on the Internet and the web
Considering copyright guidelines before sharing and copying information
Capturing and using text, images, and data from the web and the Internet
Activity 2.1 : capturing and downloading images into a word-processing document
End of activity 2.1
Using favorites to keep track of resources
Procedures and steps for managing Internet and web information
Selected terms used in this chapter
Review questions
Exercises and projects
3. Using the web for research
The first step : evaluating your information needs
Choosing the best search tool to start with
Browsing the World Wide Web : using directories
Activity 3.1 : using a directory to browse for information
Finding information gems in virtual libraries
Activity 3.2 : finding resources in a virtual library
Searching the World Wide Web : using search engines
Activity 3.3 : using Boolean search operators
Activity 3.4 : using phrase searching to find information
Using several search engines simultaneously : meta-search tools
Activity 3.5 : using a meta-search tool to find information
Content issues : pornography, free speech, censorship, and filtering
Selected terms introduced in this chapter
Review questions
Exercises and projects
4. A researcher's toolkit : directories and virtual libraries
Characteristics of directories
Browsing and searching directories
Activity 4.1 : a major directory and how to use it
Virtual libraries : directories with a difference
Activity 4.2 : using a virtual library
A researcher's toolkit
Selected terms introduced in this chapter
Review questions
Exercises and projects
5. Search strategies for search engines
Search engine databases
Search features common to most search engines
Output features common to most search engines
A basic search strategy : the 10 steps
Activity 5.1 : search strategies in AltaVista
Activity 5.2 : search strategies in Google
Activity 5.3 : search strategies in Vivisimo
Review questions
Exercises and projects
6. Specialized databases
Overview of specialized databases
Information in specialized databases is often not accessible via search engines
How to find specialized databases
Using specialized databases
Activity 6.1 : searching MEDLINE
Activity 6.2 : finding company information
Activity 6.3 : searching for United States Supreme Court Opinions
Activity 6.4 : Finding an individual's email address, mailing address, and phone number
Activity 6.5 : searching for a business address, a phone number, a map, and driving directions
Selected terms introduced in this chapter
Review questions
Exercises and projects
7. Searching for news and multimedia
Searching for news
Weblogs and E-Zines
News tracking and alerts
RSS and news aggregation
Activity 7.1 : setting up a personal newsreader, or aggregator
Searching for multimedia
Selected terms used in this chapter
Review questions
Exercises and projects
8. Searching library catalogs
Overview of the development of online catalogs
Characteristics of online library catalogs
Ways to find library catalogs
Activity 8.1 : Using Libweb to find a national catalog
Activity 8.2 : using LIBCAT to find special collections
Selected terms introduced in this chapter
Review questions
Exercises and projects
9. Searching email discussion groups & Usenet news
Email discussion groups
Activity 9.1 : finding a discussion group
Usenet newsgroups
Activity 9.2 : searching Usenet news using Google groups
Etiquette in a discussion group or a Usenet newsgroup
Selected terms introduced in this chapter
Review questions
Exercises and projects
10. Searching archives, downloading files & FTP
Understanding the URL format for FTP
Downloading a file by anonymous FTP
Locating FTP archives and other sites for finding software
Downloading and working with files from software archives
Activity 10.1 : downloading and installing software from a software archive
Using an FTP client program
Review questions
Exercises and projects
11. Evaluating information found on the World Wide Web
Reasons to evaluate
Guidelines for evaluation
Activity 11.1 : using a URL and search engines to investigate a resource
Activity 11.2 : applying guidelines to evaluate a resource
Information about evaluating resources on the World Wide Web
Review questions
Exercises and projects
12. Citing web and Internet sources
Guidelines for citing Internet and web resources
Citation examples
Information on the web about citing electronic resources
Review questions
Exercises and projects
Appendix A. Ways to stay current
Appendix B. Privacy and security on the Internet and the web
Appendix C. Internet Explorer details