TY - BOOK AU - Talbott, Strobe. CN - E183.8.I4 CN - E183.8.I4 CY - Washington, D.C. : DA - c2004. ID - 296624 KW - Atomic bomb KW - Atomic bomb LK - http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip0418/2004012803.html PB - Brookings Institution Press, PP - Washington, D.C. : PY - c2004. SN - 0815783000 (alk. paper) T1 - Engaging India :diplomacy, democracy, and the bomb / TI - Engaging India :diplomacy, democracy, and the bomb / UR - http://www.loc.gov/catdir/toc/ecip0418/2004012803.html ER -