

PT. 1. THE ANCIENT SKY. Mayan Venus tables
Proof that the Earth is a sphere
Celestial surveying
Measuring the Earth's circumference
Precession of the equinoxes
Ptolemy's Almagest
PT. 2. REVOLUTIONS. Copernicus and the sun-centered universe
Tycho Brahe and the changing heavens
Johannes Kepler and planetary motion
Galileo initiates the telescopic era
Newton's universal law of gravity
Halley's Comet
Binary stars
PT. 3. TAKING MEASURE. The speed of light
The solar system's origin
Discovery of Uranus
Stars moving and changing
The first asteroid
Distance to a star
Discovery of Neptune
The shape of the Milky Way
Spiraling nebulae
PT. 4. TOUCHING THE HEAVENS. Spectral lines
Deciphering the solar spectrum
Gaseous nebulae
Doppler shifts and spectroscopic binaries
Classification of the stars
Giant stars and dwarf stars
Hydrogen: the prime element
Stellar mass, luminosity, and stability
Sunspot cycle, sun/Earth connection, and helium
Origins of meteors and shooting stars
Cosmic rays
Discovery of Pluto
PT. 5. EINSTEINIAN COSMOS. Special relativity and E=mc[2]
General relativity and the solar eclipse test
Relativistic models of the universe
Big bang versus steady state
White dwarf stars
Beyond the white dwarf
Supernovae and neutron stars
Black holes
Source of stellar power
Creating elements in the big bang
Cosmic microwave background predicted
Creating elements in the stars
A star's life cycle
PT. 6. THE MILKY WAY AND BEYOND. Cepheids: the cosmic standard candles
Sun's place in the Milky Way
Dark nebulae and interstellar matter
Discovery of other galaxies
Expansion of the universe
Stellar populations and resizing the universe
Mapping the Milky Way's spiral arms
Source and composition of comets
PT. 7. NEW EYES, NEW UNIVERSE. Radio astronomy
Interstellar hydrogen
Molecules in space
Van Allen radiation belts
Geology of Mars
Extrasolar x-ray sources
Evidence for the big bang
The infrared sky and the galactic center
Neutrino astronomy
Gammay-ray bursts
Binary pulsar and gravity waves
Gravitational lensing
The bubbly universe
Galaxy evolution and the Hubble Deep Field
Extrasolar planets
The accelerating universe.

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