

Alaska, Yukon, and the Subarctic. Two stories from Tikiġaq / Tom Lowenstein and Tukummiq
Mary Kokrak : five brothers and their younger sister / Anthony C. Woodbury and Leo Moses
Two tellings of the story of Uterneq : "The woman who returned from the dead" / Phyllis Morrow and Elsie Mather
The boy who went to live with the seals / Ann Fienup-Riordan and Marie Meade
"The moon's sister" and "Song of the Atkan Aleuts" / Knut Bergsland
The one who kicked his grandmother's head along / Eliza Jones and Catherine Attla
"Raven" and "Fog woman" / Antone Evan and Jane McGary
Six selections from Peter Kalifornsky's A Dena'ina legacy / James Kari
The girl who married the bear / Catharine McClellan, Maria Johns, and Dora Austin Wedge
How the world began / Julie Cruikshank and Angela Sidney
"Glacier Bay history" told by Amy Marvin and "Speech for the removal of grief" delivered by Jessie Dalton / Nora Marks Dauenhauer and Richard Dauenhauer
Dunne-za stories / Robin Ridington
Mistacayawāsis, big belly child / Robert Brightman, Angelique Linklater, and Henry Linklater
Wolverine : an Innu trickster / Lawrence Millman
The north Pacific coast. John Sky's "One they gave away" / Robert Bringhurst
Night hunter and day hunter / Judith Berman
The sun's myth ; Coyote, master of death, true to life ; Seal and her younger brother lived there / Dell Hymes
Great Basin and plateau. Hilda Austin's telling of "QwíqwAq́wAt́ [the smiling one] : a traditional Nłe?képmx [Salishan people] legend" / Steven M. Egesdal and M. Terry Thompson
Blue Jay and his brother-in-law Wolf / Anthony Mattina
Fish Hawk's raid against the Sioux / Jarold Ramsey
Poetry songs of the Shoshone Ghost Dance / Judith Vander
The plains. Three Skiri Pawnee stories / Douglas Parks
Two roads to leadership : grandmother's boy and last-born brother / Julian Rice
Wilderness mentors / Elaine A. Jahner
Wakinyan and Wakinyan Wicaktepi / Calvin W. Fast Wolf
The eastern woodlands. Nanabush stories from the Ojibwe / Ridie Wilson Ghezzi
Two Tuscarora legends / Blair A. Rudes
The Iroquoian thanksgiving address / Michael K. Foster
Tales of the Delaware trickster / John Bierhorst
The Indian devil, mischief-maker / David A. Francis and Robert M. Leavitt
Running the deer / Larry Evers and Felipe S. Molina
Pima Oriole songs / Donald Bahr and Vincent Joseph
Ethnopoetic retranslation of a Zuni ritual song sequence / M. Jane Young
Because he made marks on paper, the soldiers came / Dennis Tedlock
Coyote, skunk, and the prairie dogs / Barre Toelken
Ma'ii Jooldloshí Hane' : stories about Coyote, the one who trots / Timothy Benally Sr.
Singing up the mountain / Paul G. Zolbrod
Enemy slayer's horse song / David P. McAllester
Joseph Hoffman's "The birth of he triumphs over evils" : a Western Apache origin story / Keith H. Basso and Nashley Tessay Sr.
The boy who went in search of his father / Ekkehart Malotki
Two Hopi songpoems / David Leedom Shaul
The farewell song / Leanne Hinton
Two Koasati traditional narratives / Geoffrey Kimball
California. Two stories from the Yana / Herbert W. Luthin
Silver-Gray Fox creates another world / Darryl Babe Wilson
Two Maidu myths / William Shipley
Myth, music, and magic : Nettie Reuben's Karuk love medicine / William Bright.

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