

Historians in trouble
I: Presidential nominees
1. Feminism and harassment: Elizabeth Fox-Genovese goes to court
2. The Alger Hiss case, the archives, and Allen Weinstein
3. Facing black students at Harvard: Stephan Thernstrom takes a stand
II: Targeted by the right
4. Arming America and "academic fraud"
5. David Abraham and the Nazis
6. Mike Davis and power in Los Angeles
III: Misconduct without media spectacle
7. The Denmark Vesey "trial record": a new verdict
8. John Lott, Gun rights, and research fraud
IV: Other media spectacles
9. The "porn professor": Dino Cinel, sexual abuse, and the catholic church
10. Lying to students about Vietnam: the mythic past of Joseph Ellis
11. The plagiarists: Doris Kearns Goodwin and Stephen Ambrose.

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