

pt. 1. Opening the slaughterhouse door. One man's cry for help
Will we get out of here alive?
The darkest place in the universe
"Mommy, am I going to die?"
The fall guy
pt. 2. The stickers' confessions. The man with the scar
Pangs of conscience
Blood-red and frozen
pt. 3. The "slaughterhouse eight." Beyond the law
Slunks, haulers, and "too-dead" cows
A trip to the state pen
A sixty-minute investigation
pt. 4. USDA deregulates: full line speeds ahead. A Pandora's box of pathogens
The USDA's sacred cow
This little piggy dragged to market
Veterinary turncoats
The thumper
The guardian angel
The Secretary of Agriculture erects a smokescreen

pt. 5. Friends in high places. Almost dying for a cause
In bed with a bird
The lesson
pt. 6. A debased side of human nature. America's premier hog kill
An army of walking wounded
Piercing the veil of secrecy
HACCP: a Trojan horse for deregulation
Education and empowerment.

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