

The Gorbachev challenge / Robbin F. Laird
Soviet foreign policy aims and accomplishments from Lenin to Brezhnev / Erik P. Hoffmann
The changing Soviet elite / Martin Tessendorf
Gorbachev and the Soviet military / Dale R. Herspring
Soviet-American relations / Phil Williams
Main features of United States-Soviet trade / Abraham S. Becker
Why the Soviets are serious about arms control / Michael MccGwire
Gorbachev's policy toward the west: smiles and iron teeth / Hannes Adomeit
The Soviet Union and the western alliance: elements of an anticoalition strategy / Robbin F. Lair
The new internationalism in eastern Europe / Karen Dawisha and Jonathan C. Valdez
Soviet policy toward Japan / Susan Lesley Clark

Soviet policy in Asia : the military dimension / Thomas W. Robinson
Soviet policy toward the third world / Marie Mendras
Soviet policy toward the Middle East / Robert O. Freedman
Soviet policy toward Afghanistan / Joseph Collins
The Soviet challenge in central America / Peter Shearman
Soviet policy toward central America / Mary Desjeans and Peter Clement
Making waves: Gorbachev's public diplomacy, 1985-86 / Roderic Lyne
Soviet foreign policy from 1986 to 1991: domestic and international influences / Erik P. Hoffmann.

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