

Discovery and conquest by Europeans
The fate of the Maya heritage
The meaning of Maya civilization
Foreign domination and rebirth of the Maya heritage
The destruction of the Maya heritage
1. The setting of Maya civilization
Natural and cultural subdivisions of the Maya Area
The Pacific Coastal plain
The highlands
The lowlands
The consequences of ecological diversity
2. Archaeology and Maya civilization
Reconstructing the past
Changing perspectives on the Maya past
Models of past societies
Development of complex society and civilization
The evolution of civilizations
Understanding the evolution of Maya civilization
The Maya economy
Maya social and political systems
Maya ideology and religion
The ancient Maya world
Elite and nonelite views of the ancient Maya
3. History and Maya civilization
Time and Maya history
The calendar
Measuring the cycles of time
Recording the cycles of time
Sources of Maya history
The Maya chronicles
Ancient writing systems
Pre-Columbian Maya texts
Ancient Maya writing
Milestones in decipherment
Contributions to understanding the ancient Maya
History and Maya civilization
4. The origins of Maya civilization
The chronology of pre-Columbian development
The Archaic : origins of highland and coastal cultural traditions
The Early Preclassic : agriculture, warfare, and evidence of complex society
Preclassic developments on the Gulf Coast of Mexico
Preclassic developments in highland Mexico
Summary of Archaic and Early Preclassic developments
Patterns in the evolution of Mesoamerican civilization

5. The emergence of Maya civilization in the Middle Preclassic
The emergence of complex societies
Markers of complex societies
The Pacific plain in the Middle Preclassic
Middle Preclassic commodities and monuments
The highlands in the Middle Preclassic
The lowlands in the Middle Preclassic
Middle Preclassic communities
The rise of complex society in the lowlands
Further Middle Preclassic developments in the lowlands
Summary : the Middle Preclassic precursors of Maya civilization
6. The origins of Maya states in the Late Preclassic
Late Preclassic Maya civilization and writing traditions
The Late Preclassic Isthmian tradition
The Late Preclassic Southern Maya
Highland-lowland interaction in the Preclassic
The Maya lowlands in the Late Preclassic
Patterns of Late Preclassic rulership
Preclassic developments in the Northern lowlands
Late Preclassic lowland Maya civilization
Decline in the terminal Preclassic
Summary : reconstructing the Maya Preclassic
7. The expansion of Maya states in the Early Classic
The Early Classic and the origins of Maya civilization
The Southern Maya area in the Classic Period
The Classic transition in the lowlands
The expansion of states in the Maya lowlands
Competition and warfare in the Classic lowlands
The Early Classic in the Maya lowlands
The rise of Tikal in the Early Classic (ca. 100-378)
Neighboring centers in the central lowlands (ca. 328-416)
Strangers in the lowlands (378-456)
Expansion into the Southeastern area (406-37)
Archaeology, history, and Copan's Dynastic founding (ca. 400-470)
The founder of Quirigua
The rise of the Calakmul Dynasty (435-561)
The Calakmul-Caracol alliance
Prosperity and problems at Tikal (458-562)
The defeat of Tikal (562)
Summary : the Early Classic states of the Maya lowlands

8. The Apogee of Maya states in the Late Classic
Ascendancy of Calakmul (562-695)
The resurgence of Tikal (682-768)
Rise and fall of the Petexbatun Kingdom (682-802)
The end of the Calakmul Dynasty (695-909)
Recovery and decline at Caracol (798-859)
The end of the Tikal Dynasty (768-869)
Expansion of the Usumacinta polities
Expansion of the Western polities
Expansion of the Southeastern polities
Summary : development of states in the Late Classic lowlands
9. Transformations in the Terminal Classic
Decline in the Classic heartland
The downfall of Classic Maya states
Explanations for the end of Maya states
A scenario for the downfall of Classic Maya states
Survival and revival of Classic enclaves
Transformation in the Terminal Classic
The transitional regional traditions
The rise of the Northern lowland polities
Polities in Northwestern Yucatan
Polities in Northeastern Yucatan
The rise of Chichen Itza
The Itza economy
The Itza state
The cult of K'uk'ulkan
Changes in the Southern Maya area
Summary : culmination and transition in the Terminal Classic
10. Reformulation and revival in the Postclassic
The downfall of Chichen Itza
The rise of Mayapan
The Mayapan state
The fall of Mayapan and the rise of petty states
The East Coast of Yucatan
Revival of fortunes in the Central lowlands
The Southern Maya area in the Postclassic
Summary : reformulation and revival in the Postclassic
Overview : changing perspectives on Maya civilization
11. The ancient Maya economy
The political economy
The social economy
Mobilization of labor
Ancient Maya subsistence
Reconstructing the patterns of subsistence
Production of goods
Distribution of goods
The importance of trade
Spatial and temporal patterns of long-distance trade

12. The organization of Maya society
Reconstructing the social landscape
Maya society in the Pre-Columbian ea
Marriage and the family
Ancient Maya households
Settlement in the Maya lowlands
Social stratification
Residential and descent groups
Residential groups and the house model
Reconstructing the political landscape
Diving kings and the hierarchy of power
Maya polities
Cycles of growth and decline
State organizational models
The basis of political power
13. Maya ideology and religion
Maya world view
Origins of Maya ideology
Transformations by outsiders
Maya deities
Rituals and ceremonies
Royal rituals of the Classic Period
Ritual of the Postclassic and Conquest Periods
The ideological foundations of Maya Civilization
Epilogue. The conquest of the Maya
First contacts, 1502-25
The period of conquest, 1524-1697
The subjugation of the Southern Maya by Pedro de Alvarado, 1524-27
The subjugation of Yucatan by the Montejos, 1527-46
The independent Itza, 1525-1696
The subjugation of the Itza, 1696-97
Appendix. Dates for K'atun and Half-K'atun endings.

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