

From Blenheim Palace to Buffalo Bill
The "tall Yankee" and "a great lusty youth"
Cuba and beyond
"How little time remains!"
Lecturer in the United States: "The stormy ocean of American thought and discussion
"Dark would be the day"
Churchill at war, and a neutral America
"The future destiny of the English-speaking peoples"
"Come over as quickly as possible"
"America did not make good"
"We do not wish to put ourselves in the power of the United States"
"United to us by the crimson thread of friendship"
Between two visits
"There's no baloney about him at all"
"Why do our two countries not take counsel together?"
"A union of spirit"
Road to war
"Hope burden will not be made too heavy for us to bear"
"I shall drag the United States in"
"Until the old world-and the new-can join hands"
"We are no longer alone"
Five months of anguish
"A means of waging more effective war"
"American blood flowed in my veins"
The Washington War Conference: "All in it together"
"Okay full blast"
"The tact and consideration which the harmony of the common cause requires"
"If we are together nothing is impossible"
Toward overlord: "Our band of brothers"
From Normandy to Quebec
"It grieves me very much to see signs of our drifting apart"
Malta, Yalta and beyond
"We must make sure that the United States are with us"
"Britain, though a smaller power than the United States, had much to give"
Fulton and its aftermath
"I have always worked for friendship with the United States"
The indefatigable traveler
"I marvel at America's altruism, her sublime disinterestedness"
"We must not cast away a single hope, however slender"
"Never be separated from the Americans"
Final decade: "I delight in my American ancestry."

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