Table of Contents
Welfare to work in practice : introduction and overview / Peter Saunders
Protection to activation : the apotheosis of work / Neil Gilbert
Work as welfare? : lone mothers social security and employment / Jane Millar
Bridging the welfare to work divide : economic and social participation among income support recipients in Australia / Peter Saunders
The role of workfare in the Scandinavian model of social security : soft work incentives, skill upgrading, or quality of life improvement for the disadvantaged? / Lisbeth Pedersen and Jørgen Søndergaard
In-work benefits : curing unemployment among the low-skilled in Germany / Martin Werding
Financial incentives and mothers' employment : a comparative perspective / Jonathan Bradshaw, Naomi Finch, and Emese Mayhew
Reforming the passive welfare state : Belgium's new income arrangements to make work pay in international perspective / Lieve De Lathouwer
Dilemmas in disability activation and how Scandinavians try to live with them / Einar Overbye
Personalised employment services for disability benefits recipients : are comparisons useful? / Patricia Thornton and Anne Corden
Who becomes a disability benefit recipient in Sweden? / Sisko Bergendorff ... [et al.]
Returning the long-term sick-listed to work : the effects of educational measures and employer separations in Denmark / Jan Høgelund and Anders Holm
Disability benefits and unemployment patterns in Estonia / Orsolya Szirko.
Protection to activation : the apotheosis of work / Neil Gilbert
Work as welfare? : lone mothers social security and employment / Jane Millar
Bridging the welfare to work divide : economic and social participation among income support recipients in Australia / Peter Saunders
The role of workfare in the Scandinavian model of social security : soft work incentives, skill upgrading, or quality of life improvement for the disadvantaged? / Lisbeth Pedersen and Jørgen Søndergaard
In-work benefits : curing unemployment among the low-skilled in Germany / Martin Werding
Financial incentives and mothers' employment : a comparative perspective / Jonathan Bradshaw, Naomi Finch, and Emese Mayhew
Reforming the passive welfare state : Belgium's new income arrangements to make work pay in international perspective / Lieve De Lathouwer
Dilemmas in disability activation and how Scandinavians try to live with them / Einar Overbye
Personalised employment services for disability benefits recipients : are comparisons useful? / Patricia Thornton and Anne Corden
Who becomes a disability benefit recipient in Sweden? / Sisko Bergendorff ... [et al.]
Returning the long-term sick-listed to work : the effects of educational measures and employer separations in Denmark / Jan Høgelund and Anders Holm
Disability benefits and unemployment patterns in Estonia / Orsolya Szirko.