

Northern elegies/ Anna Akhmatova
Buster Keaton looks in the woods for his love who is a real cow/ Rafael Alberti
We have done our duty/ Yehuda Amichai
The city limits/ A.R. Ammons
Residue/ Carlos Drummond de Andrade
Ode to the bourgeois gentleman/ Mário de Andrade
Fatness/ Alan Ansen
The pretty redhead/ Guillaume Apollinaire
Syringa/ John Ashbery
In memory of W.B. Yeats/ W.H. Auden
To the sun/ Ingeborg Bachmann
The moon and the night and the men/ John Berryman
In the waiting room/ Elizabeth Bishop
Evening in the sanitarium/ Louise Bogan
In praise of darkness/ Jorge Luis Borges
Waiting for the barbarians/ C.P. Cavafy
Death fugue/ Paul Celan
Menus/ Blaise Cendrars
Batouque/ Aimé Césaire
Poems on death/ Inger Christensen
Marine surface, low overcast/ Amy Clampitt
My grandmother's love letters/ Hart Crane
Mid-way/ Robert Desnos
The helmsman/ H.D.
On an east wind from the wars/ Alan Dugan
This place rumored to have been Sodom/ Robert Duncan
The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock/ T.S. Eliot
The mad pomegranate tree/ Odysseus Elytis
An old man's winter night/ Robert Frost
Prayer/ Gloria Fuertes
A supermarket in California/ Allen Ginsberg
Lament/ Thom Gunn
The convergence of the Twain/ Thomas Hardy
At Mornington/ Gwen Harwood
Witch doctor/ Robert Hayden
"More light! More light!"/ Anthony Hecht
Mr. Cogito thinks about Hell/ Zbigniew Herbert
Things I didn't know I loved/ Nazim Hikmet
Translated from the German or the Bosnian/ Max Jacob
A prayer to go to paradise with the donkeys/ Francis Jammes
The deer lay down their bones/ Robinson Jeffers
"Life draws a tree
"/ Roberto Juarroz
Psalm and lament/ Donald Justice
One train may hide another/ Kenneth Koch
Next, please/ Philip Larkin
The ship of death/ D.H. Lawrence
The old man's monologue with death/ Enrique Lihn
The big mystical circus/ Jorge de Lima
The unfaithful married woman/ Federico García Lorca
My last afternoon with Uncle Devereux Winslow/ Robert Lowell
The broken home/ James Merrill
Vixen/ W.S. Merwin
"I am writing to you from a far-off country"/ Henri Michaux
The cameo/ Edna St. Vincent Millay
Encounter/ Czesław Miłosz
Elegy for N.N./ Czesław Miłosz
The eel/ Eugenio Montale
The fish/ Marianne Moore
The absent/ Edwin Muir
Very like a whale/ Ogden Nash
Ode to the seagull/ Pablo Neruda
To the film industry in crisis/ Frank O'Hara
The undertaking in New Jersey/ George Oppen
Anthem for the doomed youth/ Wilfred Owen
Ein Leben/ Dan Pagis
The tunnel/ Nicanor Parra
Winter night/ Boris Pasternak
Morning star/ Cesare Pavese
As one listens to the rain/ Octavio Paz
The tobacco shop/ Fernando Pessoa (Álvaro de Campos)
Water/ Francis Ponge
The little box/ Vasko Popa
Canto XLV/ Ezra Pound
Barbara/ Jacques Prévert
If you imagine/ Raymond Queneau
Tombs of the Hetaerae/ Rainer Maria Rilke
Miniature/ Yannos Ritsos
Dolor/ Theodore Roethke
In the middle of life/ Tadeusz Rozewicz
Epiphany, 1937/ George Seferis
April inventory/ W.D. Snodgrass
A postcard from the volcano/ Wallace Stevens
That winter/ Ruth Stone
Rain and the tyrants/ Jules Supervielle
Question/ May Swenson
The end and the beginning/ Wisława Szymborska
Fern Hill/ Dylan Thomas
Rain/ Edward Thomas
Track/ Tomas Tranströmer
An attempt at jealousy/ Marina Tsvetaeva
Rose nocturnal/ Xavier Villaurrutia
The season of phantasmal peace/ Derek Walcott
Lullaby: moonlight lingers/ Robert Penn Warren
Advice to a prophet/ Richard Wilbur
These/ William Carlos Williams
The journey/ James Wright
I have seen black hands/ Richard Wright
In memory of Eva Gore-Booth and Con Markievicz/ William Butler Yeats
That's how we are/ Andrea Zanzotto
"A"-11/ Louis Zukofsky.

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