

PT. 1. THE PIONEERS. The highway robber/ Marun ʻAbboud
The little gods/ Dhannoun Ayyoub
The snake/ Mahmoud Badawi
My sleepless nights/ ʻAli al-Duʻaji
The mailman/ Tawfiq al-Hakim
The divining stones/ Yahya Haqqi
Grace/ Jaʻfar al-Khalili
"Hello"/ Mahmoud Taher Lashin
How I became a demon of the Jinn/ Ibrahim ʻAbd al-Qadir al-Mazini
The ʻUmda in the tavern/ Muhammad al-Muwailihi
Um Yaʻqub's chickens/ Mikhaʾil Nuʻaima
False teeth/ Jamal Sleem Nuweihed
How misery was born/ Fuʾad al-Shayib
The elements of the ablution/ Mahmoud Taymour
PT. 2. SHORT STORIES. Fury/ Amina ʻAbdallah
Who'll hang the bell?/ Yahya Taher ʻAbdallah
The tree and the birds/ Ibrahim ʻAbd al-Majeed
The illusion/ Muhammad ʻAbd al-Malik
The birthday party/ ʻAbd al-llah ʻAbd al-Qadir
Al-Sayyid Majid/ Muhammad ʻAbd al-Wali
The Cloud ; Qais's road begins here/ Jamal Abu Hamdan
People and love/ Abu al-Maʻati Abu al-Naja
The alien farmer ; Temptation/ ʻAbd al-Hameed Ahmad
The next step/ Daisy al-Amir
The banquet/ Yusuf Habashi al-Ashqar
In search of an address/ Ibrahim Aslan
The trial/ Saʻid ʻAulaqi
The widow/ Tawfiq Yusuf ʻAwwad
The locksmith/ Shukry ʻAyyad
Vengeance/ Muhammad ʻAziza
Tears for sale/ Samira ʻAzzam
From mare to mouse/ Layla Baʻalbaki
Colors/ Liana Badr
Tanyus on earth and Tanyus in heaven/ Shawqi Baghdadi
Doves on the wing ; Little things do matter/ Salwa Bakr
The tale of the severed head/ Muhammad barrada
A game of pursuit/ Muhammad al-Busati
A woman/ Zayd Muteeʻ Dammaj
The windows/ Zaki Darwish
The death of the cane/ Harib al-Dhahiri
Lighter than angels/ Lutfiyya al-Dulaimi
Love me tonight/ Ahmad Ibrahim al-Faqih
Who knows? Maybe
/ Mustafa al-Farisi
Shoulders/ Ilyas Farkouh
Uncle, please help me get across/ Ghaʾib Tuʻma Farman
The reward/ Jamal Fayiz
The gray-colored vehicle/ Sulaiman Fayyad
The autumn of life/ Khalil al-Fuzayyiʻ
The engagement present/ Fat-hi Ghanim
The man who say his own funeral/ Nadia Ghazzi
An enlightenment to the people of this world/ Gamal al-Ghitani
Heart failure/ Huzama Habayib
The Mandelbaum gate/ Emile Habiby
A midnight visit/ Ghalib Halasa
Cain suffocates the moon/ ʻAbd al-ʻAl al-Hamamsi
That village on that morning/ Akram Haniyyah
How my grandmother was murdered ; Morning in the city/ Jameel Hatmal
The dance of the savage prairies/ Haydar Haydar
An oil painting/ Gamil ʻAtiyya Ibrahim
The charm; The woman's public bath/ Ilfat Idilbi
Nadia's image/ Suhail Idris
The bet; An Egyptian Mona Lisa; A Very Egyptian story/ Yusuf Idris
Madman; The merry night of the dog/ Walid Ikhlasi
The strange world of a toy store/ Ismaʻil Fahd Ismaʻil
Farewell: a crown of grass/ Abdu Jubair
This hardship will pass/ Nasir Jubran
The beautician and the bride/ Saʻid al-Kafrawi
If you'd been a horse/ Ghassan Kanafani
The tram of life/ Fuʾad Kanʻan
Layla/ Wadad ʻAbd al-Latif al-Kawwari
The takers/ Bushra Khalfan
Summer/ Shakir Khasbak
Autumn clouds/ Burhan al-Khatib
Clocks like horses/ Muhammad KHudayyir
The pact/ Ibrahim al-Koni
One summer/ Musa Kraidi
Thirst/ Hasan al-Lawzi
Rendezvous ; Under a starlit sky/ Naguib Mahfouz
Blue fly; The girls' ward/ Muhammad Makhzanji
The case/ ʻAli al-Makk
Crossing over/ ʻAlya Mamdouh
The billy goat and the menfolk/ Samira al-Manaʻ
The autumn of '81/ Hassouna Misbahi
Smiling as large as life ; Video/ Muhammad al-Murr
Departure and return/ Sabri Musa
The dog ; Sent with the bearer/ ʻAbd al-ʻAziz al-Mushri
Matches to dry wood/ Mai Muzaffar
The miracle/ Emily Nasrallah
The wolf/ ʻAbdallah al-Nasser
The waitress, the newspaper boy, and the spring/ ʻAbd al-Malik Nouri
News on the radio/ Ghalia Qabbani
The sound of footsteps/ Muntasir al-Qaffash
Rabab gives up drawing/ Yusuf al-Qaʻid
A winter night/ ʻAbd al-Hakeem Qasim
Lord of my times ; You might get rich today/ Fakhri Qaʻwar
Zinah/ Mubarak Rabiʻ
Not only the hyena/ Hani al-Rahib
The final message/ Hasan Rasheed
Abu Richard/ Muʻnis al-Razzaz
The child; The dog ; God and the fish/ Yasin Rifaʻiyya
An incident in the Ghobashi household/ Alifa Rifʻat
The train/ Mahmoud al-Rimawi
The kingdom of bulls/ ʻAbd al-Rahman Majid al-Rubaiʻi
The fire within/ ʻAbdallah Rukaibi
The pit/ Noura al-Saʻd
The demise of His Excellency the Minister/ Nawal al-Saʻdawi
She and I/ Hadia Saʻid
The barricade/ Amin Salih
The barrier/ Salima Salih
The Cypriot man/ Tayyib Salih
Reactions/ George Salim
The meeting/ Ibrahim Samuʾil
Fresh blood/ Mahdi ʻIssa Saqr
The hymn/ Salma Matar Sayf [Maryam Abu Shibab]
Ordeal by fire/ Mahmoud Shaheen
The women's swimming pool/ Hanan al-Shaykh
The interrogation/ Muhammad al-Sharikh
Briefly/ Yusuf Sharouni
Obsession/ Sulaiman al-Shatti
The evening walk/ Muhammad ʻAli Taha
The engagement/ Bahaʾ Tahir
The truth/ Fuʾad al-Takarli
The beards ; What took place in the city that was asleep ; Love ; Tigers on the tenth day/ Zakaria Tamir
In search of a wilderness/ Sahar Tawfiq
The joker/ Maguid Tobia
The death of Muhammad Ben Ahmad Hinti/ ʻAbd al-Salam al-ʻUjaili
Going on a journey; The damned insinuation/ Layla al-ʻUthman
The secret/ Faruq Wadi
The martyrs are returning this week/ Al-Taher Wattar
The death of the good citizen/ Muhammad al-Yahyaʾi (b. 1964)
The turning point/ Hussa Yusuf
Men and mules/ Muhammad Zafzaf
The narrow path/ Latifa al-Zayyat
PT. 3. SELECTIONS FROM NOVELS. Granada/ Radwa Ashour
A woman of five seasons/ Layla al-Atrash
The stars over Jericho/ Liana Badr
The crane/ Halim Barakat
People of passion/ Huda Barakat
The people's bus/ Najwa Barakat
Sages of darkness/ Saleem Barakat
Game of forgetfulness/ Muhammad Barrada
A time for errors/ Mohamed Choukri [Muhammad Shukri]
An apartment called freedom/ Ghazi A. Algosaibi
The secret life of Saʻeed, the ill-fated pessoptimist/ Emile Habiby
Power crazy/ BenSalim Himmish
City of winds/ Moussa Wuld Ibno
The committee/ Sunʾallah Ibrahim
Search for Walid Masʻud/ Jabra Ibrahim Jabra
All that's left to you/ Ghassan Kanafani
Rama and the dragon/ Edward al-Kharrat
City gates/ Ilias Khouri
The thief and the dogs/ Naguib Mahfouz
Fragments of memory/ Hanna Mina
Trees and the murder of Marzouq/ ʻAbd al-Rahman Munif
Prairies of fever/ Ibrahim Nasrallah
The epidemic/ Hani al-Rahib
Alive in the dead sea/ Muʾnis al-Razzaz
The hallway/ Yasin Rifaʻiyya
Nightmares of Beirut/ Ghada Samman
Abu Musa's neighbors/ Ahmad al-Tawfiqu
Al-Amin and Al-Maʾmun/ Jurji Zaydan.

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