

Introduction / Frederick M. Hess, Chester E. Finn, Jr.
Public school choice : an overview / Richard Lee Colvin
The invisible hand of NCLB / Siobhan Gorman
Options for low-income students : evidence from the states / Robert Maranto, April Gresham Maranto
Florida : confusions, constraints, and cascading scenarios / Jane Hannaway, Kendra Bischoff
Colorado : layered reforms and challenges of scale / Alex Medler
Michigan : false start / David N. Plank, Christopher Dunbar, Jr.
Fumbling for an exit key : parents, choice, and the future of NCLB / William Howell
Choice and supplemental services in America's great city schools / Michael Casserly
San Diego : do too many cooks spoil the broth? / Julian R. Betts, Anne Danenberg
Worcester : thunderous clouds, no rain / William Howell
Montgomery County : a tale of school choice / Douglas S. Reed
Conclusion / Frederick M. Hess, Chester E. Finn, Jr.

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