

Setting the Stage and Theoretical Framework
Characteristics of Multi-Risk Families
Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Various Early Intervention Approaches: Implications for Practice
An Integrative Theoretical Framework for Early Intervention with Multi-Risk Families
Engaging and Supporting Multi-Risk Families
Illustrative Case Studies
Reaching and Engaging Hard-to-Reach Families
Improving Parents Defensive Functioning
Enhancing Parents Self-Reflectivity and Empathy for the Child
Enhancing Parents Sense of Competence and Social Support
Intervening to Meet the Complex Needs of Multi-Risk Families
Helping Parents Who Have Unresolved Loss and Trauma
Enhancing Parents Interactions with Infants and Young Children
Encouraging Emotion Regulation in Parents
Enhancing Parenting Knowledge and Encouraging Positive Attributions of the Child
Enhancing Parents Problem Solving and Planning
Putting It All Together
Putting the Pieces Together and Facilitating the Process of Change
Supporting Work with Multi-Risk Families within Programs, Organizations, and Service Systems
Putting Intervention with Multi-Risk Families into Perspective.

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