

Introduction and overview / Arthur G. Miller
Conceptual perspectives on good and evil
A situationist perspective on the psychology of evil: understanding how good people are transformed into perpetrators / Philip G. Zimbardo
Basic human needs, altruism, and aggression / Ervin Staub
Four roots of evil / Roy F. Baumeister and Kathleen D. Vohs
The evolution of evil / Joshua D. Duntley and David M. Buss
Harming others: contexts, causes, and implications
What's in a category? Responsibility, intent, and the avoidability of bias against outgroups / Susan T. Fiske
Contemporary racial bias: when good people do bad things / John F. Dovidio, Samuel L. Gaertner, Jason A. Nier, Kerry Kawakami, and Gordon Hodson
Violent evil and the general aggression model / Craig A. Anderson and Nicholas L. Carnagey
What can the milgram obedience experiments tell us about the Holocaust?: generalizing from the social psychology laboratory / Arthur G. Miller
Conceptualizing sexual violence: socially acceptable coercion and other controversies / Charlene L. Muehlenhard and Zoƫ D. Peterson
The self-concept in relation to good and evil acts
The pursuit of self-esteem: implications for good and evil / Jennifer Crocker, Shawna J. Lee, and Lora E. Park
The many faces of lies / Bella M. DePaulo
A moral emotional perspective on evil persons and evil deeds / June Price Tangney and Jeff Stuewig
The possibilities for kindness
Benefits and liabilities of empathy-induced altruism / C. Daniel Batson, Nadia Ahmad, and E.L. Stocks
Empathy-related responding: moral, social, and socialization correlates / Nancy Eisenberg, Carlos Valiente, and Claire Champion
Social support and behavior toward others: some paradoxes and some directions / Thomas Ashby Wills and Jody A. Resko
Sacrificing time and effort for the good of others: the benefits and costs of volunteerism / Mark Snyder, Allen M. Omoto, and James J. Lindsay
Reducing hostility and building compassion: lessons from the jigsaw classroom / Elliot Aronson.

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