

1. Designing institutions. from The logic of collective action / Mancur Olson, Jr.
form Analyzing politics / Kenneth A. Shepsle and Mark S. Bonchek
Everything must go! / Beth Dickey
The tragedy of the commons / Garrett Hardin
Quotas might save both fish and fishers / John McQuaid
The prosperous community : social capital and public life / Robert D. Putnam
2. The constitutional framework. James Madison explains the Constitution to Thomas Jefferson
Trading votes at the Constitutional Convention / William Riker
3. Federalism. The rediscovery of American federalism / Samuel Beer
Federalism as an ideal political order and an objective for constitutional reform / James M. Buchanan
Beyond the welfare clock / Jonathan Walters
The federalization of criminal laws / John J. Mountjoy
4. Civil rights. Understanding Whites' resistance to affirmative action / Laura Stoker
Desegregation is dead / Megan Twohey
High court upholds minority districts / Caroline E. Brown
5. Civil liberties. The mysterious case of establishment clause litigation : how organized litigants foiled legal change / Joseph F. Kobylka
The real world of constitutional rights : the Supreme Court and the implementation of the abortion ecisions / Gerald N. Rosenberg
Privacy, please : thinking about troublesome concept / Richard A. Epstein
6. Congress. The Senate in bicameral perspective / Richard F. Fenno, Jr.
from Congress : the electoral connection / David R. Mayhew
Party leaders and the new legislative process / Barbara Sinclair
Toward more accountable embers / Fred R. Harris
7. The presidency. from Presidential power / Richard E. Neustadt
from Going public / Samuel Kernall
What seemed like a good idea haunts the GOP establishment / Gerald B. Seib and John Harwood
8. The bureaucracy. from Bureaucracy : what government agencies do and why they do it / James Q. Wilson
The politics of bureaucratic structure / Terry M. Moe
from The true size of government / Paul C. Light
9. The udiciary. from The choices justices make / Lee Epstein and Jack Knight
from The Supreme Court / Lawrence Baum
Why it's getting harder to appoint judges / Stuart Taylor Jr.
10. Public opinion. Analyzing and interpreting polls / Herbert Asher
Gender and public opinion / Kristi Anderson
Disconnected politics : public opinion and residents / Lyn Ragsdale
Dynamic representation / James A. Stimson, Michael B. MacKuen, and Robert S. Erikson
Poll positions : leaders overdependence on public opinion / Jean Bethke Elshtain
11. Voting, campaigns, and elections. from The reasoning voter / Samuel L. Popkin
Rules of the game / James A. Barnes
Should election day be a holiday? / Martin P. Wattenberg
12. Political parties. from Why parties / John H. Aldrich
National party organizations at the century's end / Paul S. Herrnson
Of political parties great and small / Everett Carll Ladd
13. Interest groups. The scope and bias of the pressure system / E.E. Schattschneider
The evolution of interest groups / John R. Right
From Big Bird to Bill Gates : organized interests and the emergence of hyperpolitics / Allan J. Cigler and Burdett A. Loomis
The money culture / Elizabeth Drew
14. The news media. Is journalism hopelessly cynical? / Michael Schudson
Market research and the audience for political news / Doug Underwood
Beaten : Washington bureaus have largely abandoned agencies / John Herbers and James McCartney
Low score / James B. Kelleher.

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