

pt. I. An early history of artificial intelligence
1. Early history : logic, games and speech
Early logic machines
Electrical logic machines
Early games machines
Konrad Zuse and the first computer
Mechanical speech synthesis
Electrical speech synthesis
Speech recognition
2. Early history : robots, thought, creativity, learning and translation
Robot tortoises
Alan Turing
Machine learning
Machine translation
The 1956 Dartmouth workshop

pt. II. Fifty years of progress
3. How computers play games
Checkers (Draughts)
Using databases to solve other games
Go : the most difficult game of all
Playing metagames : programs that learn to play from the rules
Games with imperfect information and games with chance
4. How computers recognize
Visual recognition : how computers see
Some applications of computer vision
Speech recognition
Taste recognition
Smell recognition
The recognition of creative style
5. Creative computers
How computers write poetry
How computers write fiction
How computers write non-fiction
How computers compose music
How computers create visual art
6. How computers think
What is logic?
Logical reasoning
Problem solving
Commonsense reasoning
Case based reasoning
How computers learn
How computers discover and invent
Knowledge discovery
Expert systems
7. How computers communicate
Natural language processing
Text-to-speech synthesis
8. Things to do for robots
Robot soccer
A robot sports miscellany
The robot chauffeur
Urban search-and-rescue robots
Robot surgeons
Domestic robots
The robot grand challenge
Humanoid robots

pt. III. The next fifty years
9. The exponential growth of scientific achievements
What is exponential growth?
Moore's law of computing power
The optical computer
The DNA computer
The molecular computer (Nano-machines)
The quantum computer
Computer memory
The knowledge explosion
Some views of the future
10. Emotion and love, Al style
Functions of emotion
Psychological theories of emotion
Feeling emotions for others
Humans feeling affections for robots : the Tamagotchi
Five criteria from emotions
Models of emotion in robots
Empathy : how robots recognize and measure emotions in humans
Mind reading
How robots express emotion
Robot personality
Love and marriage with robots : an acceptable idea?
11. Sex and reproduction, Al style
Sex with robots
Intelligent sex machines
Experiments with sexbots
The mechanics of sex with robots
When can I buy one?
Dominic Choy's patent application
Robot reproduction
Robot evolution
Robot offspring, with a dash of human added
12. Robot consciousness
What is consciousness?
Can robots have consciousness?
Robot feelings
Robot hopes and wishes
Can robots have beliefs?
Robot dreams
Can robots have free will?
The religious life of robots
13. Robot rights and ethics
The rights of robots
Robot ethics.

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