

Matter and the universe. Cosmology / Wendy L.Freedman, Edward W. Kolb
Gravity / Ronald Adler
New astronomy / Arnon Dar
Particles and the standard model / Chris Quigg
Superstring theory / Michael B. Green
Quantum matter. Manipulating atoms with photons / Claude Cohen-Tannoudji, Jean Dalibard
Quantum world of ultra-cold atoms / William Phillips, Christopher Foot
Superfluids / Henry Hall
Quantum phase transitions / Subir Sachdev
Quanta in action. Essential quantum entanglement / Anton Zeilinger
Quanta, ciphers and computers / Artur Ekert
Small scale structures and "nanoscience" / Yoseph Imry
Calculation and computation. Physics of chaotic systems / Henry Abarbanel
Complex systems / Antonio Politi
Collaborative physics, e-science and the grid : realizing Licklider's dream / Tony Hey, Anne Trefethen
Science in action. Biophysics and biomolecular materials / Cyrus Safinya
Medical physics / Nicolaj Pavel
Physics of materials / Robert Cahn
Physics and society / Ugo Amaldi.

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