

Introduction to copyright law : what is copyright?
Fair use : when do you need to ask for permission?
Public domain : is there such a thing as free material?
Obtaining permission : how can you legally obtain use of works?
Other important copyright issues : what other copyright issues to you need to know about?
The Internet and copyright law : everything on the web is considered implied public access, right?
Videos, DVDs, CDs, and copyright law : can you use these works legally in your classroom?
Television and copyright law : TV is free, isn't it?
Computer software and copyright law : why is documentation important?
Music/audio and copyright law : who is going to know if you copy it?
Multimedia and copyright law : how confusing! can you borrow a variety of works for your production?
Print works and copyright law : is it OK to copy print works for class at the last minute?
Distance learning and copyright law : is this different from applying copyright law in a face-to-face classroom?
Conclusion : what does all this mean for K-12 teachers and librarians?

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