

THE WAR ON NOISE: Noise is an unwanted signal
The noise-signal duality: one person's signal is another person's noise
Information theory made a science out of the war on noise
Channel noise randomly flips bits
Noise limits channel capacity
Noise can sometimes help
NOISE IS A NUISANCE: Noise is a private nuisance if it substantially and unreasonably interferes with someone's use and enjoyment of land
Noise is a public nuisance if it substantially interferes with a right common to the public
E-mail spam counts as a cyber-noise nuisance
THE NUISANCE THAT DEFERS: Noise-induced hearing loss is a common health hazard
Noise can damage the inner ear's frequency detectors
Noise increases stress
Noise can harm simpler animals
WHITE NOISE AIN'T SO WHITE: White noise is independent in time and has a flat spectrum, and so is physically impossible
There are infinitely many types of white noise
Most noise is impulsive
Chaos and fuzz can produce white noise
Real noise is colored noise because its frequency spectrum is not flat
Thermal noise fills the universe
Even black holes emit noise, and die
FIGHTING NOISE WITH NOISE: The ideal low-pass filter resembles wideband noise in digital sampling
Noise helps shape the spectrum of signals
Noise cancellers learn noise patterns to annihilate them
Delilah's secret: wireless signals can hide in noise
THE ZEN OF NOISE: STOCHASTIC RESONANCE: many physical and biological systems display a stochastic resonance noise benefit because they are nonlinear systems
The "forbidden interval" theorem: model neurons benefit from noise if the average noise lies outside the "forbidden interval"
Noise can benefit nanosystems and the molecular motors of life.

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