Table of Contents
Libraries and the U.S. legal system
Contracts : a meeting of minds
Copyright and patent law
Fair use and intellectual property rights : the basics of using information legally
Copyright and education
Trademark and trade secret law
Licensing of intellectual property
Information malpractice, professionalism, and the unauthorized practice of law and medicine
Search warrants, investigations, library records, and privacy
Internet use policies and the filtering debate
Employment and workplace law
Forming a nonprofit organization.
Contracts : a meeting of minds
Copyright and patent law
Fair use and intellectual property rights : the basics of using information legally
Copyright and education
Trademark and trade secret law
Licensing of intellectual property
Information malpractice, professionalism, and the unauthorized practice of law and medicine
Search warrants, investigations, library records, and privacy
Internet use policies and the filtering debate
Employment and workplace law
Forming a nonprofit organization.