

Introducing Metadata / Richard P. Smiraglia
Part I: Intellectual Foundations
Understanding Metadata and Metadata Schemes / Jane Greenberg
Metadata and Bibliographic Control: Soul-Mates or Two Solitudes? / Lynne C. Howarth
Metadata, Metaphor and Metonymy / D. Grant Campbell
An Exploratory Study of Metadata Creation in a Health Care Agency / Leatrice Ferraioli
The Defining Element-A Discussion of the Creator Element Within Metadata Schemas / Jennifer Cwiok
Content Metadata-An Analysis of Etruscan Artifacts in a Museum of Archeology / Richard P. Smiraglia
PART II: How to create, apply, and use metadata
From Cataloging to Metadata: Dublin Core Records for the Library Catalog / Anita Coleman
Metadata Standards for Archival Control: An Introduction to EAD and EAC / Alexander C. Thurman
Introduction To XML / Patrick Yott
METS: The Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard / Linda Cantara
Planning and Implementing a Metadata-Driven Digital Repository / Michael A. Chopey.

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