Table of Contents
Your half's bigger than my half!
Repealing the law of averages
Arithmetic and old lace
Paradox lost
Tight tins for round sardines
The never-ending chess game
Quods and quasars
Zero knowledge protocols
Empires on the moon
Empires and electronics
Resurrection shuffle
Double bubble, toil and trouble
Crossed lines in the brick factory
Division without envy
Furiously flashing fireflies
Why phone cords get tangled
Sierpinski's ubiquitous gasket
Defend the roman empire!
Triangulation takeaway
Easter Is a quasicrystal
Repealing the law of averages
Arithmetic and old lace
Paradox lost
Tight tins for round sardines
The never-ending chess game
Quods and quasars
Zero knowledge protocols
Empires on the moon
Empires and electronics
Resurrection shuffle
Double bubble, toil and trouble
Crossed lines in the brick factory
Division without envy
Furiously flashing fireflies
Why phone cords get tangled
Sierpinski's ubiquitous gasket
Defend the roman empire!
Triangulation takeaway
Easter Is a quasicrystal