

Historical chronology
Prospects for peace
My first visit to Israel, 1973
My presidency, 1977-81
The key players
Other neighbors
The Reagan years, 1981-1989
My visits with Palestinians
The George H. W. Bush years
The Oslo agreement
The Palestinian election, 1996
Bill Clinton's peace efforts
The George W. Bush years
The Geneva Initiative
The Palestinian election, 2005
The Palestinian and Israeli elections, 2006
The wall as a prison
Appendices: U.N. Resolutions 242 (1967) & 338 (1973)
Camp David Accords, 1978
Framework for Egypt-Israel Peace Treaty, 1978
U.N. Resolution 465, 1980
Arab peace proposal, 2002
Israel's response to the roadmap, May 25, 2003
MAPS: The Middle East today
U.N. Partition Plan, 1947
Israel, 1949-67
Israel, 1967-82
Israel, 1982-2006
Clinton's proposal, 2000
Sharon's plan, 2002
Geneva Initiative, 2003
Palestinians surrounded, 2006.

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