

Introduction: Setting the stage / Karen E. Lovaas and Mercilee M. Jenkins
The invention of heterosexuality: the debut of the heterosexual / Jonathan Ned Katz
Necessary fictions: sexual identities and the politics of diversity / Jeffrey Weeks
On Judith Butler and performativity / Sara Salih
"Quare" studies, or (almost) everything I know about queer studies I learned from my grandmother (part 1) / E. Patrick Johnson
The uses of the erotic : the erotic as power / Audre Lorde
Language, socialization, and silence in gay adolescence / William Leap
"Having a girlfriend without knowing it" : intimate friendships among adolescent sexual-minority women / Lisa M. Diamond
Accounts of sexual identity formation in heterosexual students / Michele J. Eliason
M. Dragonfly : two-spirit and the Tafoya principle of uncertainty / Terry Tafoya
Migrancy and homodesire / Myron Beasley
Performing "I do" : weddings, pornography, and sex / Elizabeth Bell
A critical appraisal of assimiliationist and radical ideologies underlying same-sex marriage in LGBT communities in the United States / Gust A. Yep, Karen E. Lovaas, and John P. Elia
Performing a rhetoric of science : Dr. Laura's portrayal of homosexuality / Paul Turpin
Disciplining the transgendered : Brandon Teena, public representation, and normativity / John M. Sloop
"Ah, yes, I remember it well" : memory and queer culture in Will and Grace / Christopher Castiglia and Christopher Reed
Living in the middle : performances bi-men / John T. Warren and Nicholas A. Zoffel
"Holly Kowalski" : sex across the curriculum / Jennifer Tuder
Queering the (sacred) body politic : considering the performative cultural politics of the sisters of perpetual indulgence / Cathy B. Glenn
The spirituality of sex and the sexuality of spirit : BDSM erotic play as soulwork and social critique / Robert G. Westerfelhaus
Menopause and desire, or 452 positions on love / Mercilee M. Jenkins
"Quare" studies, or (almost) everything I know about queer studies I learned from my grandmother (part 2) / E. Patrick Johnson
Activism and identity through the word : a mixed-race woman claims her space / Wendy M. Thompson
Making alliances / Gloria E. AnzaldĂșa.

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