

The Hindenburg explodes
Pearl Harbor under attack
D-day : the Normandy invasion
President Roosevelt dies
V-E day : war in Europe ends
Atomic bomb destroys Hiroshima
Japan surrenders : WWII ends
Truman defeats Dewey
General MacArthur fired
Sputnik launched by Soviets
John Glenn orbits earth
Marilyn Monroe dies
Cuban missile crisis : nuclear war threatened
President Kennedy assassinated
Lee Harvey Oswald assassinated
President Johnson declines reelection bid
Martin Luther King Jr. assassinated
Robert Kennedy assassinated
Apollo 11 : man walks on moon
Apollo 13 : astronauts escape disaster
Kent State massacre
Munich Olympics tragedy
Nixon resigns
Saigon falls
Elvis dies
Iran hostage crisis
John Lennon assassinated
President Reagan shot
The Challenger explodes
Berlin Wall crumbles
Operation Desert Storm begins
Rodney King verdict incites riots
Waco standoff ends in disaster
O.J. Simpson saga
Oklahoma City bombing
Flight 800 explodes over Atlantic
Atlanta Olympics bombing
Princess Diana dies
The impeachment of President Clinton
Tragedy at Columbine High School
John F. Kennedy Jr. dies
The 2000 election
America under attack.

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