Table of Contents
The lay of the land. Prelude : what's the difference between science and art? Examples of the arts in education. Responding to objections to the arts in education : lessons from out of school
The case for the arts in education. Prelude : why must we justify the arts in terms of non-arts learning? Introducing unique features of the arts and what students learn
Advocating for the arts in education. Prelude : might failure work as a platform for arts in education advocacy? What counts as advocacy. Practical challenges. Advocacy don'ts and do's
With an eye to the future. Prelude : on painting with a young child. In sum.
The case for the arts in education. Prelude : why must we justify the arts in terms of non-arts learning? Introducing unique features of the arts and what students learn
Advocating for the arts in education. Prelude : might failure work as a platform for arts in education advocacy? What counts as advocacy. Practical challenges. Advocacy don'ts and do's
With an eye to the future. Prelude : on painting with a young child. In sum.