

Gender and the causes and consequences of armed conflict / Dyan Mazurana
Gender mainstreaming in United Nations peacekeeping operations: talking the talk, tripping over the walk / Angela Raven-Roberts
Prosecution of gender-based crimes in international law / Valerie Oosterveld
Renewed popularity of the rule of law: implications for women, impunity, and peacekeeping / Barbara Bedont
Peacekeeping trends and their gender implications for regional peacekeeping forces in Africa: progress and challenges / Heidi Hudson
Gender, war, and peace in Mozambique and Angola: advances and absences / Ruth Jacobson
Peacekeeping, alphabet soup, and violence against women in the Balkans / Martina Vandenberg
Namibian peace operation in a gender context / Louise Olsson
Postconflict postscript: gender and policing in peace operations / Tracy Fitzsimmons
Gender equality and the Guatemalan peace accords: critical reflections / Ilja A. Luciak and Cecilia Olmos
Les femmes aux mille bras: building peace in Rwanda / Erin K. Baines
State making, peacemaking, and the inscription of gendered politics into peace: lessons from Angola / J. ZoƩ Wilson
Mainstreaming gender in United Nations peacekeeping training: examples from East Timor, Ethiopia, and Eritrea / Angela Mackay
What if patriarchy is 'the big picture'? an afterword / Cynthia Enloe.

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