

1. The establishment of the "city of theatre": 1. The two theatres in the centre ; 2. Enlightenment reform ; 3. The first commercial theatres
2. Censorship: 1. Censorship until 1848 ; 2. Censorship after the 1848 Revolution
3. The "old" Burgtheater: 1. From Pálffy to Schreyvogel ; 2. The Laube era ; 3. The last years in the "Old" Burgtheater
4. Commercial theatres in "Old Vienna": 1. Three "popular theatres" ; 2. Karl Carl ; 3. The cultural climate and working environment ; 4. The debate about "popular drama" ; 5. Pokorny, Treumann, and the decline of dialect comedy
5. Opera and operetta: 1. Opera and ballet in the Biedermeier period ; 2. The rise of operetta
6. The late nineteenth century: new foundations: 1. The Wiener Stadttheater ; 2. Nationalist sentiment: the Deutsches Volkstheater and the Raimundtheater ; 3. The Kaiserjubiläums-Stadttheater
7. Modernism at the end of the monarchy: 1. Modern drama ; 2. Opera and operetta
8. 1918-1945: 1. Economic depression ; 2. The art of the twenties ; 3. Austro-Fascism and Anschluss
9. The Second Republic: 1. Postwar rebuilding ; 2. The present

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