

Scrolls and scribes: the greatest story ever told: from the Old Testament to the New
People of the book
Illuminating the dark ages: from the edge of beyond: medieval glories of the Britsh Isles
debits and credits: the keeping of accounts
The gutenberg revolution: Caston and Aldus: masters of the press
a brave new world: printing in the Americas
Yes, we have now bananas: Morison, Zapf, and Gill: modern masters of typography
The bookmaker's craft: to print or not to print? for Shakespere, that was the question
By it's cover: the art of the binder
The infinte library, timeless and incorruptible: heralds of science: books that changed the world
The best of the past: a medieval revival in the arts of the book
A picture's worth: Mother Goose and company: books for the young and the young at heart
Every word for everyman: The book business: Ah, you publishing scoundrels!
Old leaves, new lives: lost and found between the covers
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