

The Nazi attack on "un-German" literature, 1933-1945 / Leonidas E. Hill
Bloodless torture: the books of the Roman ghetto under the Nazi occupation / Stanislao G. Pugliese
The confiscation of Jewish books in Salonika in the Holocaust / Yitzchak Kerem
Embers plucked from the fire: the rescue of Jewish cultural treasures in Vilna / David E. Fishman
"The Jewish question" and censorship in the USSR / Arlen Viktorovich Blium; introduced, translated, and annotated by George Durman and Donna M. Farina
The secret voice: clandestine fine printing in the Netherlands, 1940-1945 / Sigrid Pohl Perry
Reading and writing during the Holocaust as described by Yisker books / Rosemary Horowitz
Polish books in exile: cultural booty across two continents, through two wars / Sem C. Sutter
The library in the Vilna ghetto / Dina Abramowicz
Library and reading room in the Vilna ghetto, Strashun Street 6 / Herman Kruk; translated by Zachary M. Baker
When the printed word celebrates the human spirit / Charlotte Cuthmann Opfermann
Crying for freedom: the written word as I experienced it during World War II / Annette Biemond Peck
Zarathustra as educator? The Nietzsche archive in German history / John Rodden
Convivencia under fire: genocide and book burning in Bosnia / AndrĂ¡s Riedlmayer
Jewish print culture and the Holocaust: a bibliographic survey / Joy A. Kingsolver and Andrew B. Wertheimer.

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