

"In the beginning, we knew nothing" : the CIA under Truman, 1945-1953
"A strange kind of genius" : the CIA under Eisenhower, 1953 to 1961
Lost causes : the CIA under Kennedy and Johnson, 1961 to 1968
"Get rid of the clowns" : the CIA under Nixon and Ford, 1968 to 1977
Victory without joy : the CIA under Carter, Reagan, and George H.W. Bush, 1977 to 1993
The reckoning : the CIA under Clinton and George W. Bush, 1993 to 2007.

Intelligence must be global and totalitarian
The logic of force
Fight fire with fire
The most secret thing
A rich blind man
They were suicide missions
A vast field of illusion
We have no plan
CIA's greatest single triumph
Bomb repeat bomb
And then we'll have a storm
We ran it in a different way
Wishful blindness
Ham-handed operations of all kinds
A very strange war
He was lying down and he was lying up
Nobody knew what to do
We had also fooled ourselves
We'd be delighted to trade those missiles
Hey, boss, we did a good job, didn't we?
I thought it was a conspiracy
An ominous drift
More courage than wisdom
The beginning of a long slide downwards
We knew then that we could not win the war
A political H-bomb
Track down the foreign communists
What the hell do those clowns do out there in Langley?
USG wants a military solution
We are going to catch a lot of hell
To change the concept of a secret service
A classic fascist ideal
The CIA would be destroyed
Saigon signing off
Ineffective and scared
He sought to overthrow their system
We were just plain asleep
A free-lance buccaneer
In a dangerous way
He was running a great risk
A con man's con man
To think the unthinkable
What are we going to do when the wall comes down?
We had no facts
Why in the world didn't we know?
We're in trouble
The threat could not be more real
The dark side
A grave mistake
The burial ceremony.

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