

v. 1. 1607-1877: The Seneca nation of Indians / Anthony F.C. Wallace. The Indian as noble savage, 1709. The Indian as ruthless savage, 1782. An Indian's view, 1805. Looking out for number one : conflicting cultural values in early seventeenth-century Virginia / T.H. Breen. The experiences of an indentured servant, 1623. "We shall be as a citty upon a Hill,"1630. The middle passage / Daniel P. Mannix and Malcolm Cowley. Voyage from Africa, 1756. An immigrant's journey, 1750. Husbands and wives, parents and children in Plymouth Colony / John Demos. Two poems, 1678. The duty of children toward their parents, 1727. Good manners for colonial children, 1772. The churchgoers / Patricia U. Bonomi. A New York act to encourage the baptizing of Negro, Indian, and Mulatto slaves, 1706. The Great Awakening in Connecticut, 1740. Opposition to the Great Awakening, c. 1742.

Boston and New York in the eighteenth century / Pauline Maier. Benjamin Franklin's Union Fire Company, 1738. Philadelphia, 1748. The scourge of yellow fever, Philadelphia, 1793. This bleeding land / Robert A. Gross. A Tory punished, 1775. Tories vilified, 1779. A New Hampshire boy joins the Navy, 1779. The factory as a republican community / John F. Kasson. Lowell : a cooperative worker, 1844. Lowell : a "dissident worker," 1845. Lowell : management's view, 1845. The trail of tears / Dee Brown. Memorial of the Cherokee nation, 1830. Removal defended, 1830. The "crime" of removal, 1838. Women and their families on the Overland Trail to California and Oregon, 1842, 1867 / Johnny Faragher and Christine Stansell. Oregon fever, 1845. Emigrants to Texas, c. 1857. Woman's profession, 1869. Walking and leaping and praising God / Bernard Weisberger.

A camp meeting, 1829. Visiting the Shakers, c. 1841. A letter from Brook Farm, 1841. The Philadelphia Native American riots of 1844 / Michael Feldberg. Irish immigrants : a sympathetic view, c. 1833. A native-born American's response to the Irish immigrants, 1838-1857. Strong drink / Ronald G. Walters. "And I will be heard," 1831. The "reformatory and elevating influences" of the public schools, 1848. The convictions of a peace advocate, 1854. A feminist marries, 1855. A slave family in the ante bellum South / Loren Schweninger. Sold at auction, c. 1820. Northern racism, 1837. Negro churches in Savannah, c. 1860. Glory can not atone : Shiloh, April 6, 7, 1862." The fall of Fort Sumter. The South celebrates, 1861. The fall of Fort Sumter : the North responds, 1861. A Black soldier writes to President Lincoln, 1863. Recollections of war, 1875.

Immigrant women in Tampa : the Italian experience, 1890-1930 / Gary R. Mormino and George E. Pozzetta. Tenement cigar makers, c. 1890. The experience of a Chinese immigrant, 1880-1903. Rose Schneiderman and the Triangle fire / Bonnie Mitelman. Memoirs of a sweatshop girl, 1902. "Our daily life is not a pleasant one, 1902." Risking life and limb in PIttsburgh's steel mills, 1910. Going into Canaan / William M. Tuttle. "I want to come North," 1917. "Protect your property!" (1919), 1920. Race riot in Chicago, 1919. The Doughboy's war ; an extraordinary interlude / David M. Kennedy. Diary of an unknown aviator, 1918. German-American loyalty, 1917. Letters from Mennonite draftees, 1918.

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