

Introduction: method and overview
Managing visually
Using the right metrics
Characteristics of good visuals
Types of visual boards
Visuals to emphasize abnormal conditions
Summary of key points
Management auditing: standardized work for managers
Building an audit schedule
Looking at an example
Summary of key points
Associating a time with all work
Takt time
Estimating sheet
Summary of key points
Utilizing day-by-hour and FIFO boards
The role of production control
Day-by-hour boards
First-in, first-out (FIFO) boards
Combining the combined Kanban and work-order board with the FIFO board
Recognizing the danger of putting up too many boards
Getting the required support
Knowing where to begin with the first boards
Summary of key points
Making improvements when you're short of capacity
Changeover time reduction: SMED (single minute exchange of dies)
Increasing machine feeds and speeds
Bottleneck analysis
Machine performance (overall equipment effectiveness)
Standardized work
Dedicated material handlers
Team leaders
Summary of key points
Making improvements when you have excess capacity
In the office
On the shop floor
To reduce the excess capacity
Summary of key points
Using value stream mapping in a low-volume environment
Getting started
Total product cycle time (TPCT)
Value stream mapping in low-volume manufacturing
Summary of key points
Becoming aware of your inventory and using pull systems
Inventory awareness and MRP
Shortening lead time
Kanban defined
Short lead-time equals small inventories
Using both MRP and Kanban
Moving materials within your plant
Summary of key points
Making manpower improvements
Standardized work
Operator balance wall
Day-by-hour charts
Cross-trained team members
Motion Kaizen
Andon systems
Summary of key points
Improving machine performance and plant layout
OEE (overall equipment effectiveness)
TPM (total productive maintenance)
Machine Kaizen
Changeover time (SMED)
Shift patterns
Layout Kaizen
Summary of key points
Making improvements through office department Kaizen
The Kaizen method
Summary of key points
Making improvements through office process Kaizen
Where to start: inputting an order
Reducing incomplete and inaccurate information
Reducing wait time
Reducing processing time
Following up with action plans from the workshop
Examples of opportunities during an office process Kaizen
Summary of key points
Improving your product costing
Product costing as it applies to high-mix, low-volume businesses
Solutions for poor allocations
Summary of key points
About the author.

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