

Unity in diversity. The ancients: Aristotle : the first philosopher-naturalist / Julia Brtittain
Theophrastus : the father of botany / Christopher J. Humphries & David Sutton
Pedanios Dioscorides : recording the medicinal use of plants / David Sutton
Pliny the Elder : collector of knowledge / David Sutton. The Renaissance: Leonhart Fuchs : the value of illustrations / Brian W. Ogilvie
Ulisse Aldrovandi : observation at first hand / Giuseppe Olmi
Andrea Cesalpino : physician, philosopher and botanist / Robert Huxley & Christopher J. Humphries
Pierre Belon : pioneer of comparative anatomy / Alan Cutler
Konrad Gessner : the beginnings of modern zoology / Sachiko Kusukawa. The enlightenment: Nicolaus Steno : unlocking the earth's geological past / Alan Cutler
John Ray : the English Aristotle / Robert Huxley
Robert Hooke : natural history through the microscope / Brian J. Ford
Antony van Leeuwenhoek : the discoverer of bacteria / Brian J. Ford
Sir Hans Sloane : the great collector / Robert Huxley
Maria Sibylla Merian : the metamorphosis of insects / H. Walter Lack
Mark Catesby : colonial naturalist and artist / Steve Cafferty
Carl Linnaeus : the man who brought order to nature / Christopher J. Humphries & Robert Huxley
Comte de Buffon : a grand theorist / Sandra Knapp
Georg Steller : the discovery of Alaska / Robert Press
Michel Adanson : a universal method of classification / Denis Lamy
Erasmus Darwin : evolutionary beginnings / Robert Press
William Bartram : scientific recorder and artist / Judith Magee
Joseph Banks : voyager and patron of natural history / Tania Durt
Johann Christian Fabricius : classifier of insect diversity / R.I. Vane-Wright
James Hutton : discoverer of geological time / Jill Cook
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck : the inheritance of acquired characteristics / Sandra Knapp
Antoine-Laurent de Jussieu : a new method of plant classification / Denis Lamy
Georges Cuvier : extinction and the animal kingdom / Philippe Taquet. The 19th century: William Smith : the father of English geology / John L. Morton
Alexander von Humboldt : a vision of the unity of nature / Judith Magee
John James Audubon : artist, naturalist and adventurer / Roberta J.M. Olson
William Buckland : first to describe a dinosaur / Jill Cook
Charles Lyell : advocate of modern geology / Jill Cook
Mary Anning : fossil hunter / Crispin Tickell
Richard Owen : champion of comparative anatomy / David Williams
Jean Louis Rodolphe Agassiz : examination, observation, comparison / David Williams
Charles Darwin : the complete naturalist / Keith Thomson
Alfred Russel Wallace : the problem of the origin of species / Sandra Knapp
Asa Gray : the plants of the American Southwest / Sandra Knapp.

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