

Verbal reasoning tests
Tests that hide in a bundle of forms!
Tests of verbal ability
If you are invited to an assessment centre
For some candidates, verbal tests are their worst nightmare
If English is not your first language
If you are dyslexic or suffer some other disability
Winning approach
150 warm-up questions
Word link: opposites
Word link : synonyms
Find the new word
Word swap
Sentence sequence
100 English usage questions
Correctly complete the sentence
Identify the correct sentence
100 true, false or cannot tell questions
Written assessments, presentations, group exercises and assessment centres
Example of what such a day might include
Group exercise or role-play
Written exercises
Five timed realistic tests with interpretations of your score
Test 1. synonyms and antonyms
Test 2. sentence sequence
Test 3. word swap
Test 4. English usage
Test 5. reading comprehension and critical reasoning
Interpretation of your score in the practice tests
Answers and detailed explanations
150 warm-up questions
100 English usage questions
100 true, false or cannot tell questions
Five timed realistic tests with interpretations of your score.

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