

Cherchez la femme
An evil destiny
Goddess, princess, whore
pt. 1. Helen's birth in pre-history
1. A dangerous landscape
2. A rape, a birth
3. The lost citadel
4. The Mycenaeans
5. The pre-historic princess
pt. 2. The land of beautiful women
6. The rape of 'fair Hellen'
7. Sparte kalligynaika
8. Tender-eyed girls
pt. 3. The world's desire
9. A trophy for heroes
10. The kingmaker
11. A royal wedding
pt. 4. Kourotrophos
12. Hermione
13. A welcome burden
14. Helen, high priestess
15. La belle H́elène
pt. 5. A lover's game
16. The golden apple
17. Bearing gifts
18. Alexander Helenam Rapuit
19. The female of the species is more deadly than the male
pt. 6. Eros and Eris
20. Helen the whore
21. The pain of Aphrodite
22. The sea's foaming lanes
pt. 7. Troy beckons
23. East is east and west is west
24. The fair Troad
25. The topless towers of Ilium
26. The golden houses of the east
27. A fleet sets sail
pt. 8. Troy besieged
28. Helen, destroyer of cities
29.Death's dark cloud
30. A beautiful death, Kalos Thanatos
31. The fall of Troy
pt. 9. Immortal Helen
32. Home to Sparta
33. The death of a queen
34. The age of heroes ends
35. 'Fragrant treasuries'
36. The daughter of the ocean
pt. 10. The face that launched a thousand ships
37. Helen in Athens
38. Helen lost and Helen found
39. Helen, Homer and the chances of survival
40. Veyn fables
41. Helen of Troy and the bad Samaritan
42. 'Perpulchra,' more than beautiful
43. Dancing with the devil
44. Helen's nemesis
1. The Minotaur's island
2. La Parisienne
3. Women of stone and clay and bronze
4. Elemental Helen, she-gods and she-devils
5. Royal purple, the colour of congealed blood
Epilogue. Myth, history and historia.

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