Table of Contents
1. Video rising
A television genealogy
Red and other menaces
McCarthy : man, ism, and television
2. The Gestalt of the blacklist
The blacklist backstory
Pressure groups and pressure points
Institutional practices
3. Controversial personalities
The Goldbergs : the case of Philip Loeb
I Love Lucy : the redhead and the blacklist
4. Hypersensitivity : the codes of television censorship
Faye Emerson's breasts, among other controversies
Amos 'n' Andy : Blacks in your living room
5. Forums of the air
Egghead Sundays
Direct address
The Ike-onoscope
6. Roman circuses and Spanish inquisitions
"Kefauver fever" : the Kefauver crime committee
Hearings of 1951 HUAC-TV
Wringing the neck of Reed Harris : the McCarthy committee's Voice of America hearings (1953)
7. Country and God
I led 3 lives : "watch yourself, Philbrick!"
Religious broadcasting
Life is worth living : starring Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
8. Edward R. Murrow slays the dragon of Joseph McCarthy
TV's number one glamour boy
Murrow versus McCarthy
The "good Tuesday" homily
To be person-to-personed
"A humble, poverty stricken Negress" : Annie Lee Moss before the McCarthy Committee
McCarthy gets equal time
9. The Army-McCarthy hearings (April 22-June 17, 1954)
Backstory and dramatis personae
Gavel-to-gavel coverage
Climax : "hove you left no sense of decency?"
Denouement : reviews and postmortems
10. Pixies : homosexuality, anticommunism, and television
Red fades to pink
Airing the Cohn-Schine affair
11. The end of the blacklist
The defenders : the blacklist on trial
Point of order! : the Army-McCarthy hearings, the movie
12. Exhuming McCarthyism : the paranoid style in American television.
A television genealogy
Red and other menaces
McCarthy : man, ism, and television
2. The Gestalt of the blacklist
The blacklist backstory
Pressure groups and pressure points
Institutional practices
3. Controversial personalities
The Goldbergs : the case of Philip Loeb
I Love Lucy : the redhead and the blacklist
4. Hypersensitivity : the codes of television censorship
Faye Emerson's breasts, among other controversies
Amos 'n' Andy : Blacks in your living room
5. Forums of the air
Egghead Sundays
Direct address
The Ike-onoscope
6. Roman circuses and Spanish inquisitions
"Kefauver fever" : the Kefauver crime committee
Hearings of 1951 HUAC-TV
Wringing the neck of Reed Harris : the McCarthy committee's Voice of America hearings (1953)
7. Country and God
I led 3 lives : "watch yourself, Philbrick!"
Religious broadcasting
Life is worth living : starring Bishop Fulton J. Sheen
8. Edward R. Murrow slays the dragon of Joseph McCarthy
TV's number one glamour boy
Murrow versus McCarthy
The "good Tuesday" homily
To be person-to-personed
"A humble, poverty stricken Negress" : Annie Lee Moss before the McCarthy Committee
McCarthy gets equal time
9. The Army-McCarthy hearings (April 22-June 17, 1954)
Backstory and dramatis personae
Gavel-to-gavel coverage
Climax : "hove you left no sense of decency?"
Denouement : reviews and postmortems
10. Pixies : homosexuality, anticommunism, and television
Red fades to pink
Airing the Cohn-Schine affair
11. The end of the blacklist
The defenders : the blacklist on trial
Point of order! : the Army-McCarthy hearings, the movie
12. Exhuming McCarthyism : the paranoid style in American television.