

1 Introduction
What is cultural biology?
The Study of human ecology
A History of thought on culture and environment
The Rise of human ecology
Thus ...
2 Fundamentals of ecology
The Environment
Niche and habitat
3 Human biological ecology
Humans as animals
Biological adaptations
Human population regulation
Evolutionary ecology
4 Cultural ecology
Human capabilities
Culture as an adaptive mechanism
Traditional knowledge systems
Human control of the environment
Decision making
A Concluding thought on management
5 Hunting and gathering
Hunter-gatherer classification
The Hunter-gatherer stereotype
Bias in hunter-gatherer studies
Settlement and subsistence
Environmental manipulation and resource management
Relations with other groups
Case study: the Nuu-cha-nulth of British Columbia
Case study: the Mbuti of the Ituri forest
6 The Origins of food production
Agricultural domestication
The Transition to farming
On the origin of agriculture
Types of agriculture
The Impact of agriculture
7 Horticulture
Horticultural techniques
Use of wild resources
Environmental manipulation and resource management
Relations with other groups
Case study: the Grand Valley Dani of highland New Guinea
Case study: the Lozi of Western Zambia
8 Pastoral ism
General sociopolitical organization
The Geography of pastoralism
The Origin of pastoralism
Some parameters of pastoralism
Use of nonpastoral products
Environmental manipulation and resource management
Relations with other groups
A Note on the impact of grazing
Case study: the Maasi of East Africa
Case study: the Navajo of the American southwest
9 Intensive agriculture
Changes in scale
Techniques of intensive agriculture
Contemporary industrialized agriculture
Environmental manipulation and resource management
Relations with other groups
Case study: Mountains and water - the traditional agricultural system along the South Coastal China
Case study: The Maya agricultural system
10 Current issues and problems
Tragedy of the commons
Agricultural involution
Agricultural development and intensificaiton
Rain forest dilemma.

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