

Introduction: 'In Heaven as it is on Earth' / Ra'anan S. Bouston, Annette Yoshiko Reed
The bridge and the ladder: narrow passages in late antique visions / Fritz Graf
'Heavenly Steps': Manilius 4.119-121 and its background / Katharina Volk
Heavenly ascent, angelic descent, and the transmission of knowledge in 1 Enoch 6-16 / Annette Yoshiko Reed
'Connecting Heaven and Earth': the function of the hymns in Revelation 4-5 / Gottfried Schimanowski
Working overtime in afterlife, or, no rest for the virtuous / Sarah Iles Johnson
Earthly sacrifice and heavenly incense: the law of the priesthood in Aramaic Levi and Jubilees / Martha Himmelfarb
Who's on the throne? Revelation in the long year / John W. Marshall
The earthly monastery and the transformation of the heavenly city in late antique Egypt / Kirsti B. Copeland
Contextualizing heaven in third-century North Africa / Jan N. Bremmer
Bringing the heavenly academy down to earth: approaches to the imagery of divine pedagogy in the East-Syrian tradition / Adam H. Becker
Angels in the architecture: temple art and the poetics of praise in the Songs of the Sabbath Sacrifice / Ra'anan S. Bouston
The collapse of celestial and chthonic realms in a late antique 'Appollonian Invocation' (PGM I 262-347) / Christopher A. Faraone
In heaven as it is in hell: the cosmology of Seder Rabbah di-Bereshit / Peter Schäfer
The faces of the moon: cosmology, genesis and the Mithras Liturgy / Radcliffe G. Edmonds III
'O Paradoxical Fusion!': Gregory of Nazianzus on baptism and cosmology (Orations 38-40) / Susanna Elm.

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