

Information dominance: the philosophy of total propaganda control? / David Miller
From bombs and bullets to hearts and minds: U.S. public diplomacy in an age of
Propaganda / Nancy Snow
Selling the Iraq War: the media management strategies we never saw / Danny Schechter
Measuring success: profit and propaganda / David J. Collison
Spinning war and blotting out memory / Norman Solomon
Weapons of mass distraction: world security and personal politics / Naren Chitty
Spectacle and media propaganda in the war on Iraq: a critique of U.S. broadcasting networks / Douglas Kellner
War as promotional "photo-op": The New York Times' visual coverage of the
U.S. invasion of Iraq / Lee Artz
Murdoch's war - a transnational perspective / Daya Kishan Thussu
Glossy: American hegemony and the culture of death / Leila Conners Petersen
War, propaganda, and Islam in Muslim and western sources / Karim H. Karim
Enemy image: a case study in creating a Mata Hari / Asra Q. Nomani
Anatomy of a bonding: an embedded reporter's account of the bonding process
With the soldiers / Ronald Paul Larson
The war on Iraq: a reporter's observations / Dana Hull
America: the fourth reich / Barrie Zwicker
War on Iraq and media coverage: a middle eastern perspective / Mahboub E. Hashem
Iranians and media coverage of the war in Iraq: rhetoric, propaganda and
Contradiction / Naiim Badii
South Africa and Iraq: the battle for media reality / Arnold de Beer, Herman Wasserman, and Nicolene Botha
Chinese watching the Iraqi War with shock and awe - as a spectacular game / Zhou He
The self-absorbed bully: a Brazilian view of the United States at war / Antonio La Pastina
Threat or ally?: U.S./Latin American relations and the middle east conflict / Kathleen A. Tobin
From propaganda to public diplomacy in the information age / R. S. Zaharna
Can we make them love us: public diplomacy after 9/11? / Geoffrey Cowan
War, media, and propaganda: an epilogue / Majid Tehranian.

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