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Reconstructive plastic surgery nursing practice
A clinical practice framework for modern reconstructive plastic surgical nursing
Body image issues and reconstructive plastic surgery
Primary clinical management definitions
Itroduction to wound management within reconstructive plastic surgery nursing practice
The functional anatomy of the skin and its appendages
Physiology of the ageing of the skin
Skin lesions : overview
Wound bed repair (WBR)
Principal clinical issues in the causes of wound breakdown and the failure of wounds to repair
Applied nutritional issues in wound bed repair
Wound bed assessment (WBA)
Wound bed preparation (WBP) - principles
Wound dressings and bandage management : principles
Pain associated with wounds and dresssing changes : principles of patient care
Wound bed maintenance (WBM)
Palliative wound bed management (PWBM-malignant)
Palliative wound bed management
Principles of nursing discharge management and ambulatory care following reconstructive plastic surgery
Wound management in the home and community healthcare facility following reconstructive surgery
Peri-operative operating theatre (OT) / Room (OR) patient management : the essentials

Peri-operative paediatric care in reconstructive plastic surgical nursing : the principles
Skin grafts
Reconstructive skin and soft tissue flaps
The hand
Replant surgery
Tissue expansion
Craniofacial reconstruction
Ear reconstruction
Camouflage prostheses : anaplastology osseointegration as a reconstructive process
Urogenital reconstruction (hypospadias)
Breast surgery : augmentation mammoplasty
Body contouring : abdominoplasty
Nasal surgery : rhinoplasty.

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