

The accident / Elie Wiesel
After Auschwitz / Richard L. Rubenstein
Albert Speer / Gitta Sereny
All rivers run to the sea / Elie Wiesel
And the sea is never full / Elie Wiesel
The angel of history / Carolyn Forch
Anya / Susan Fromberg Schaeffer
At the mind's limits / Jean Amry
Auschwitz and after / Charlotte Delbo
Austerlitz / W.G. Sebald
Babii Yar
Yevgeny Yevtushenko
Badenheim 1939 / Aharon Appelfeld
Constantine's sword / James Carroll
Daddy / Sylvia Plath
Daniel's story / Carol Matas
Death fugue
Paul Celan
The deputy / Rolf Hochhuth
The destruction of the European Jews / Raul Hilberg
The diary of a young girl / Anne Frank
The double bond / Carole Angier
The drowned and the saved / Primo Levi
Eichmann in Jerusalem / Hannah Arendt
Elegy for N.N. / Czes{lstrok}aw Mi{lstrok}osz
Enemies / Isaac Bashevis Singer
Europe Central / William T. Vollmann
Explaining Hitler / Ron Rosenbaum
The fall of france / Julian Jackson
Fateless / Imre Kertsz
The fifth son / Elie Wiesel
Friedrich / Hans Peter Richter
The gates of the forest / Elie Wiesel
Ghetto / Joshua Sobol
God's presence in history / Emil L. Fackenheim
Gone to soldiers / Marge Piercy
The hiding place / Corrie ten Boom with John and Elizabeth Sherrill
The history of love / Nicole Krauss
History on trial / Deborah E. Lipstadt
Hitler / Ian Kershaw
The Hitler of history / John Lukacs
Hitler's willing executioners / Daniel Jonah Goldhagen
The Holocaust in American life / Peter Novick
Holocaust politics / John K. Roth
Holocaust testimonies / Lawrence L. Langer
House of dolls / Ka-tzetnik 135633
I will bear witness / Victor Klemperer
In kindling flame / Linda Atkinson
In the blue distance / Nelly Sachs
Incident at Vichy / Arthur Miller
An interrupted life / Etty Hillesum
Into that darkness / Gitta Sereny
Jews / Arthur Hertzberg and Aron Hirt-Manheimer
The journey back / Johanna Reiss
Journey through the night / Jakov Lind
The last of the just / Andr Schwarz-Bart
Lest innocent blood be shed / Philip P. Hallie
Letters and papers from prison / Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Life with a star / Jir Weil
Man's search for meaning / Viktor Emil Frankl
The master plan / Heather Pringle
Masters of death / Richard Rhodes
Maus / Art Spiegelman
The Nazi doctors / Robert Jay Lifton
Nazi Germany and the Jews / Saul Friedlnder
Nazi terror / Eric A. Johnson
Never to forget / Milton Meltzer
Night / Elie Wiesel
Nightfather / Carl Friedman
Number the stars / Lois Lowry
O the chimneys / Nelly Sachs
On the natural history of destruction / W.G. Sebald
Open closed open / Yehuda Amichai
Ordinary men / Christopher R. Browning
The origins of totalitarianism / Hannah Arendt
Our Golda / David A. Adler
Paul Celan / John Felstiner
The pawnbroker / Edward Lewis Wallant
The periodic table / Primo Levi
Perpetrators, victims, bystanders / Raul Hilberg
The pianist / W{lstrok}adys{lstrok}aw Szpilman
Playing for time / Fania Fnelon
The portage to San Cristbal of A.H. / George Steiner
Preaching eugenics / Christine Rosen
A problem from Hell / Samantha Power
Rethinking the Holocaust / Yehuda Bauer
Return to Auschwitz / Kitty Hart
Reunion / Fred Uhlman
The rise and fall of Adolf Hitler / William L. Shirer
Schindler's list / Thomas Keneally
The Second World War / Martin Gilbert
The shawl / Cynthia Ozick
Shoah / Claude Lanzmann
Sophie's choice / William Styron
The State of Israel vs. Adolf Eichmann / Hanna Yablonka
Still alive / Ruth Klger
The sunflower / Simon Wiesenthal
Survival in Auschwitz / Primo Levi
A scrap of time, and other stories / Ida Fink
The Terezn requiem / Josef Bor
The texture of memory / James E. Young
This way for the gas, ladies and gentlemen / Tadeusz Borowski
Time's arrow / Martin Amis
Touch wood/ Rene Roth-Hano
Tzili / Aharon Appelfeld
The upstairs room / Johanna Reiss
The wall / John Hersey
War against the weak / Edwin Black
Why did the heavens not darken? / Arno J. Mayer

The Wilkomirski affair / Stefan Maechler
A world at arms/ Gerhard L. Weinberg.

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