

Critical research at Columbia : Lazarsfeld's and Merton's "Mass Communication, Popular Taste, and Organized Social Action" / Peter Simonson and Gabriel Weimann
Herzog's "On Borrowed Experience" : its place in the debate over the active audience / Tamar Liebes
Subtlety of Horkheimer and Adorno : reading "The Cultural Industry" / John Durham Peters
Benjamin contextualized : on "The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction" / Paddy Scannell
Redeeming consumption : on Lowenthal's "The Triumph of the Mass Idols" / Eva Illouz
Community and pluralism in Wirth's "Consensus and Mass Communication" / Eric W. Rothenbuhler
Audience is a crowd, the crowd is a public : latter-day thoughts on Lang and Lang's "MacArthur Day in Chicago" / Elihu Katz and Daniel Dayan
Towards the virtual encounter : Horton's and Wohl's "Mass Communication and Para-social Interaction" / Don Handelman
Harold Adams Innis and his Bias of Communication / Menahem Blondheim
Canonic anti-text : Marshall McLuhan's Understanding Media / Joshua Meyrowitz
Retroactive enrichment : Raymond Williams's Culture and Society / John Durham Peters
Canonization achieved? : Stuart Hall's "Encoding/Decoding" / Michael Gurevitch and Paddy Scannell
Afterthoughts on Mulvey's "Visual Pleasure" in the age of cultural studies / Yosefa Loshitzky.

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