

Introduction: Youth and the post-accord environment / Siobhøn McEvoy-Levy
Recruitment and reintegration of former youth soldiers in Sierra Leone : challenges of reconciliation and post-accord peace building / Michael Wessells and Davidson Jonah
The moral imagination of survival : displacement and child soldiers in Guatemala and Colombia / Victoria Sanford
In the shadow of genocide : Rwanda's youth challenge / Marc Sommers
The jagged edge of peace : the creation of culture and war orphans in Angola / Carolyn Nordstrom
The impact of the peace process in Northern Ireland on children and adolescents' ideas about war and peace / Ed Cairns ... [et al.]
Politics, protest, and local power sharing in north Belfast / Siobhan McEvoy-Levy
Transforming post-accord education systems : local reflections from Bosnia-Herzegovina / Jaco Cilliers
Young people's activism and the transition to peace : Bosnia, Northern Ireland, and Israel / Jeff Helsing ... [et al]
Sharing history : Palestinian and Israeli teachers and pupils learning each other's narrative / Sami Adwan and Dan Bar-On
From violence toward peace : the role of storytelling for youth healing and political empowerment after social conflict / Jessica Senehi and Sean Byrne
Theoretical challenges of peace building with and for youth / Johan Galtung
Conclusion: Youth and post-accord peace building / Siobhøn McEvoy-Levy

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